Monster X Radio

On the Shoulders of Giants- Talking Old Timers with Thomas! Rene Dahinden pt. 2



Host Julie Rench welcomes back long time Canadian Investigator Thomas Steenburg to the new show series called "On the Shoulders of Giants - Talking Old Timers with Thomas!"  This is the second recording of a two part interview about Thomas's late friend Rene Dahinden.   They will continue discussing Rene's investigations, his very colorful personality, his sometimes strained relationships with the other "Squatchfathers", the Pacific Northwest Expedition, and, Thomas makes a shocking confession about what he almost threw into a dumpster years ago that would have had tragic repercussions!  This and more on this episode of "Talking Old Timers with Thomas"! Born in Ontario, Canada in 1961, Thomas Nelson Steenburg has been actively interested in the Sasquatch since the age of 5. In 1980, he enlisted in the Canadian Army with the Princess Patricia's Light Infantry, First Battalion stationed in Calgary, Alberta. Since 1979 he has actively gone into the rugged outdoors in search of the elusive Sasquatch. Having inte