Monster X Radio

Sasquatch Island: Bigfoot in First Nations Art-Sasquatch Feast Dishes



SASQUATCH FEAST DISHES The new Monster X Radio website just launched and Thomas Sewid host of our podcast series Sasquatch Island kicks off the New Year with a BANG of a show that no other podcast series can duplicate! Sasquatch feast Dishes is something that is sure to amaze you! Who knew a tribe still exists with such a tie to Sasquatch? One walks into a museum past towering ancient totem poles to come upon an area with massive carved sculptures that are in actual fact Sasquatch feast dishes from an era long since passed. Dzoonakwa is the sleepy eyed puckered lipped creature that is the highest ranked crest of the Kwakwaka’wakw tribes from northeastern Vancouver Island British Columbia Canada. Dzoonakwa is the Kwakwala term for their Tribes Sasquatch. As always, Thomas Sewid a Kwakwaka’wakw/Cree First Nation of the Mamalilikulla Tribe, brings insight and understanding like no other Sasquatch investigator can. Decades being a tour guide and public speaker he enthralls one with his sharing of his tribal un