Southeast Green - Speaking Of Green

Andrew Schock - The Conservation Fund



Andrew Schock has been with The Conservation Fund since September 2003 and is currently the Georgia State Director.  At the Fund, he has worked to protect thousands of acres of vital habitat, including parks and greenspace throughout the Metro Atlanta area, Georgia and Alabama. Andrew has past affiliations with the National Wildlife Federation as the Southeastern Center Director managing the field office in Atlanta; The Nature Conservancy, where he completed real estate transactions to protect biodiversity, assisted with the establishment of the botanical inventory at Ft. Stewart, Georgia and established the Integrated Management Plan at Ft. Benning, Georgia; The North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission as a District Wildlife Biologist; and The Department of Defense as a Biological Technician working on endangered species management at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Andrew has an M.B.A. from Kennesaw State University, Georgia and a B.S. in Zoology (Wildlife Science) from North Carolina State University, Ralei