Vibe Radio Network

Emerald Tablet-Lauren Cielo & Within the Chaos-Maritza Brikisak



Emerald Tablet Radio- Join Tara and Holly, With special Guest Lauren Cielo as she explains Astral projection. First we will hear Andi Garrison's story of dealing with experiences her whole life without knowing or understanding what it is, Andi is searching for answers and hope that her story will help others. Within the Chaos-  Rodney Shortridge and Robyn Dalton Interview w/Maritza Brikisak was born in Santiago, Chile. Her mother was a school teacher at the time, her dad had an Import Export business that allowed her to travel and visit many countries at a young age. Her father's company was affected when Pinochet came to power and the family moved to Caracas, Venezuela. Always wanting the best for his children, upon graduation, she and her brothers were sent to Canada to study at Queen's University at Kingston where she graduated with a BA in Computing and Information Science. Her professional acting career began on the Stage with 'Theater 5' under the tutelage of Valerie Robertson, continued in Ottawa wit