Vibe Radio Network

Ghost Stories with Haunts of Richmond presents Spirits of the Shops



Spirits of the Shops Halloween may be in the rearview mirror, but there are spirited tales for every season. As the holidays approach, people are heading out to find the perfect gifts for friends and family. Weaving their way through aisles of merchandise and perusing goods of every sort, it can be easy for people to lose themselves in the moment. But for every person who enters a store in the current moment there are often thousands, if not millions, who have come before. Each on a mission of their own. Each looking for that "one thing". For so many people coming and going, it can be easy to see why there might be at least one soul who never left. In addition to their current purpose, some stores may have been built on land with a spirited attachment. While others may stock antiques and other aging merchandise that continues to be cherished by an old soul. A store may not be the first thing that people think of when it comes to haunted locations, particularly with their attention focused on the winter holi