
Paratalkradio Welcomes Kenney Irish



Kenney W. Irish AKA K.W. is an author, musician and sales/marketing professional. Originally from the northern parts of Vermont, he has recently re-located to the beautiful Adirondacks area of upstate New York. With a lifelong love of folklore monsters, U.F.O stories, writing and public speaking at writers groups and various other platforms, he continues his journey focusing on both fiction and non-fiction works. He has a passion for writing young readers chapter books, yet has recently dived head first into young adult to adult manuscripts. K.W. is also a researcher for the New York Bigfoot Society. The NYBS, who's parent company is The Tri-City Paranormal Society has appeared on The National Geographic Channel, The Travel Channel and Destination America. K.W. is also co-host for the NYBS radio show along side Gary Robusto, the founder of both groups