Sbs Finnish - Sbs Radio Finnish
Victoria records new local case of COVID-19 - Victoriassa todettu uusi paikallinen Covid-19 tapaus
- Author: Vários
- Narrator: Vários
- Publisher: Podcast
- Duration: 0:09:13
- More information
Health authorities in Victoria are responding to a newly detected coronavirus case, who tested positive after returning from overseas and undertaking hotel quarantine in South Australia. It comes as the the potential timeline of re-opening international borders is made a little clearer, and the vaccine roll out expands. - Victorian terveydenhuoltoviranomaiset selvittävät uutta koronavirustapausta kun ulkomailta saapunut mieshenkilö antoi positiivisen testituloksen. Ulkomaanmatkojen uudelleenkäynnistymisen mahdollisuuksien aikataulu selkenee jonkinverran ja rokotteiden jakelu laajenee