Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

Why Accountability Is the Missing Ingredient to Scaling Your Business



It’s already the middle of the month, and if you’re like many entrepreneurs, you may be feeling the weight of your goals right now.  Did you know last Friday was officially “Quitter’s Day?” It’s when 72% of us give up or start questioning our goals and if we can really make it happen this year. But here’s the thing: You don’t have to quit. I’m here to tell you that accountability could be the missing ingredient to making this year different. In this week’s episode of the Breadwinning Business Women Podcast, I’m breaking down why accountability is the key to pushing through and finally scaling your business. It’s time to stop second-guessing yourself and start getting things done. Click here to listen! >> In this episode, you’ll learn: Why your goals are still sitting on your to-do list (And it’s not because of your strategy) How accountability helped me raise my rates by 10x and hit my fitness goals (And how it can work for you too) The 3 reasons accountability gives you the unfair advantage you need to