The Smart Passive Income Online Business And Blogging Podcast

SPI 849: Big Update on How SPI is Changing in 2025



#849 What do you do when the strategies that used to work online stop delivering results? If you want to keep serving your audience, you pivot, evolve, and point the way toward the future of your space. That's what we're doing at SPI, so listen in on this episode to hear the big news! Today, I have SPI CEO Caleb Wojcik joining me to unveil the important changes coming to our podcast and company in 2025. Many of you will love this because we're going back to basics and leaning into the personal brand I've built around myself. More than ever, I'll show up with actionable advice and strategies you can apply to grow your online business. We'll still have the occasional guest on the podcast, but it'll mostly be you and me from now on. We're also shifting to video-first episodes, so tune in to hear what you can expect as a viewer and listener of our show! Show notes and more at Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at