Cinematic Sound Radio

2021 Christmas Special



In today program, it's our 2021 Christmas Special. Before we begin I just want to again personally offer my thanks to the great team here at the CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST.  It’s been another tough year for everyone not just here on the network but all over the world. And it's not getting any better. We truly do hope that you are staying safe during these tough times and hopefully the programming here on the CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST has injected a bit of hope and joined into your life during the past 12 months. So a big thanks to, Jason Drury, Eric Silver, Robert Daniels, Randy Andrew, in house composer David Coscina, and Ley Bricknell. And we can't forget about the newest member of the team, J. Blake Fichera, who I've admired for a very long time. I love his SCORED TO DEATH series of books and I'm so proud to have him on the network producing his fantastic horror music-themed program, SCORED TO DEATH RADIO. Last but not least, a big thank you to our long time voice of CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO, Tim Bur