Cinematic Sound Radio

John Williams 90th Birthday Special - Part One



On February 8, 2022, composer John Williams turns 90 years old. To honour one of the greatest film composers of all time THE CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST is proud to present a mammoth six-part podcast series dedicated to the five-time Academy Award winner. You might actually be familiar with this series already. I produced a similar series back in 2012 to celebrate Williams' 80th birthday. While that show was successful, I felt that it could be approved upon and updated.  So, I've used John Williams' birthday as an excuse to completely revamp the series by re-editing the scripts, re-recording all the dialogue and completely re-editing the shows. In addition, I will be producing a brand new sixth part to cover the years 2013-2021, which will launch on John Williams birthday, February 8, 2022.  A lot of effort and time went into producing this new version of the series and I hope you enjoy the results. In part one of this special, we will be presenting an overview of "Johnny" Williams' work spanning 1961-196