Cinematic Sound Radio

Talking Soundtracks: Interview with Logan Austin



Welcome to the latest edition of TALKING SOUNDTRACKS WITH JASON DRURY on the CINEMATIC SOUND RADIO PODCAST. MY TINDER WITH ANDRE follows a young couple over the course of an unforgettable first date. Chloe, a pragmatic realist, meets Andre, a romantic idealist, and the two navigate together their opposing world views and the complex nature of modern romance. Logan Austin, who spoke with Jason about a prior project called THE LAST WHISTLE in 2019, co-wrote, directed, and composed the score for the movie. Logan Austin spoke with Jason Drury via Zoom in February 2022 for TALKING SOUNDTRACKS from his home near Atlanta, Georgia, about his score to MY TINDER WITH ANDRE. Enjoy! —— Special thanks to our Patreon supporters: Matt DeWater, David Ballantyne, Mindtrickzz, Joe Wiles, Rich Alves, Maxime, William Welch, Tim Burden, Alan Rogers, Dave Williams, Max Hamulyák, Jeffrey Graebner, Douglas Lacey, Don Mase, Victor Field, Jochen Stolz, Emily Mason, Eric Skroch, Alexander Schiebel, Alphonse Brown, John Link, Andr