Cinematic Sound Radio

The Flagship Show: 2022 Christmas Special



In today's program, it's our 2022 Christmas Special. We've been putting this show together annually since 2018 and I want to thank personally J. Blake Fischa for making sure we did produce this show this year. I've been so ridiculously busy during the latter stages of this year that I didn't think I'd have time to put this together. I really thought that All Request Christmas was going to be our Christmas Special this year but Blake DM'd me on Twitter and ask if we were going to do the show.  I said, "No".  I got a reply back with just the letter "K". I know it's tough to reading tone online but I could just feel the disappointment. So, I slept on it, woke up the next day and wrote Blake back saying, "You know what... I got to thinking last night and I think we should still do the Holiday Celebration episode anyway. It's something that all of us at CSR can work on together. So, yes, we are going to do our annual Christmas show as well as the All Request Show." So there, you can thank Blake for this show and