Cinematic Sound Radio

The Archive with Jason Drury: Episode 40 - Part 1



Jason Drury begins the first show of 2024 show with the end title from Alan Silvestri’s score for READY PLAYER ONE (WATER TOWER MUSIC) which is amazingly celebrating its 5th anniversary. The next pick is James Horner's score for GORKY PARK (LA LA LAND RECORDS), which is celebrating its 40th anniversary. With the showing of THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN in the UK for the first time in decades, Jason then showcases the composer of its iconic theme, Oliver Nelson, by playing a suite of his score for the 1970 thriller ZIG ZAG( FSM RECORDS). You'll also hear Joe Harnell’s ‘Jamie’s Theme from the BIONIC WOMAN (FIVE JAYS RECORDS) as well as a track from his exciting score for the classic sci-fi mini series ‘V’ (SUPER TRACKS MUSIC). Afterwards, John Barry is featured with selections from his classic 1982 film noir score for HAMMETT (SILVA SCREEN RECORDS). Jason then ends part one in a patriotic manner by playing "Yeager’s Triumph" from Bill Conti’s Academy Award-winning score for THE RIGHT STUFF (VARESE SARABANDE RECO