Bulletproof Radio

Meditation: The Ultimate High-Performance Tool— Emily Fletcher : 568



Emily Fletcher is the founder of Ziva Meditation, the creator of The Ziva Technique that focuses on mindfulness, meditation and manifesting. She’s also created the world’s first online meditation training. Her work has been featured in national newspapers and magazines, as well as on television. She is regarded as a leading expert in meditation for high performance.Her meditation journey began on Broadway and led her to India. Over the past decade, she has been named one of the top 100 women in wellness to watch, has taught more than 15,000 students around the world, and has spoken on meditation for performance at Google, Harvard Business School, Viacom and Wanderlust.She’s taught Oscar, Grammy, Emmy and Tony award-winners, as well as NBA players, CEOs, entrepreneurs, and busy parents that meditation is a performance tool. The Ziva style is entertaining, accessible and easy to adopt.In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, we talk about how releasing the stress from your past is essential and controlling your wa