Bulletproof Radio

The Nuance of No – Adam Grant, Ph.D. : 577



This episode of Bulletproof Radio features organizational psychologist Adam Grant, who brings a dynamic acumen to all of his work. He has been recognized as one of the world's 10 most influential management thinkers and named to Fortune's 40 under 40 list.In today’s show, you’ll learn why burnout is thriving and people aren’t, and why burnout matters from a gender perspective. You’ll find out how doing more five-minute favors allows the 30,000-foot view of life to come into view and how nailing “no” frees you up while still allowing you to help others.Our conversation about job design covers a lot of interesting ground, from earning “idiosyncrasy credits” to pitching your ideal role, to companies with no bosses. Adam poses the questions: “If you're an individual with creative ideas, how do you champion them effectively? And then, if you're a leader, how do you build a culture that welcomes original ideas, and then, makes them a reality?”Adam’s a researcher, a top-rated professor at The Wha