Bulletproof Radio

There’s So Much ‘Wow’ in Every Moment – Tim Chang : 598



I spotted my friend Tim Chang, an experienced investor and global executive, at the Consumer Health Summit and took the opportunity to ask the man once called “The Hottest Abs In Silicon Valley” how he stays in a high-performance state. Tim is passionate about syncing technology with wisdom to boost consciousness and fitness across body, mind and spirit. (And from his photo above, you can see he plays bass in a band—multiple bands, in fact.)In this fun, free-wheeling episode of Bulletproof Radio, the hour spins by with solid suggestions about living your best life and tangible takeaways for well-being. We discuss modern culture topic by topic in an engrossing conversation that spans email, messaging apps, time burdens, FOMO, obligation, the Eisenhower Matrix, think time, vulnerability, struggle, time as a luxury, the attention economy, cognitive health, mental bandwidth, haters, social media, slow tech—and much more.It all makes great sense and great listening!Tim’s Quick TakesStrength Training and HIIT: