Bulletproof Radio

Your Brain Voltage: Measure It, Raise It, Control It – Paul Sorbo : 619



In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, I’m talking with Paul Sorbo of WAVi, a company that’s bringing fast and affordable information about brain performance to everyone.“Giving people a way to measure the way that their brain is aging is so important,” says Paul Sorbo of WAVi. “We look at heart health. We look at blood pressure. We look at colon. Literally, we look at everything. Why are we not measuring the one thing that controls all of it?”Based in Boulder, Colorado, WAVi has integrated a mass-screening EEG device with a software platform for functional assessment in the field of mild cognitive impairment and dementia. It’s a total all-encompassing brain performance platform that has been steeped in development for nearly a decade. The resulting product is a full FDA-regulated device Class II that can easily measure biomarkers of your brain with detail and precision—in less than 12 minutes. We discuss WAVi’s latest research from age management to concussion information. They have found that&