Supernatural Girlz

Surviving the Apocalypse , Air, Food, Water



One of our most popular guests, Dr. Richard Alan Miller is a world-renowned physicist, herbalist, best selling author and retired intelligence operative.  Join us as he shares how to survive the apocalypse and how to grow and sustain your garden in the brave new world that will follow. Rick will cover the importance of the “THREE’s,” Air, Water and Food, which food crop has the lowest start up cost and the highest return, and many more invaluable tips just for our listeners! Rick's books include Power Tools for the 21st Century, The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs, The Potential of Herbs as a Cash Crop, Encyclopedia of Alternative Farming, ESP Induction Join hosts psychic/medium Helene Olsen and paranormal researcher Patricia Baker for another exciting Saturday night adventure on Supernatural Girlz