Supernatural Girlz

Alchemy: Is it God's Mirror?



Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen & Patricia Baker unravel the mysteries of ancient and contemporary alchemy with modern day alchemist Tom Waters.  Although the mysteries of this ancient art are hidden in the mists of time, the transformative power of alchemy is within our reach.  Tom, an alchemist of the Hermetic Tradition of ancient Egypt, explains the true motive behind the alchemists singular pursuit~ unravelling powerful mysteries in the face of persecution.  Alchemists then and now are inspired by a vision of man made perfect, free from disease and the limitations of the physical, standing as a mirror to God in Perfection, Beauty, and Harmony.  Is this possible and are there revolutionary new products to help us reach that enlivened and enlightened state?  Tune in and find out!