Supernatural Girlz

Iroquois Supernatural: shapeshifting, vampires and zombies



Join Supernatural Girlz Helene Olsen & Patricia Baker as they speak with Algonquin Healer and Elder, Michael Bastine and Supernatural Historian Mason Winfield about the Iroquois supernatural legacy: shapeshifting witches, strange forest creatures, ethereal lights, vampire zombies, cursed areas, dark magicians, talking animals, enchanted masks, and haunted hills, roads, and battlefields as well as accounts of miraculous healings by medicine people such as Mad Bear and Ted Williams. Grounding their tales with a history of the Haundenosaunee, the People of the Long House, the authors show how the supernatural beings, places, and customs of the Iroquois live on in contemporary paranormal experience, still surfacing as startling and sometimes inspiring reports of otherworldly creatures, haunted sites, after-death messages, and mystical visions. Providing a link with America’s oldest spiritual roots, these stories help us to know more deeply the nature and super-nature around us as well as offer spiritual insig