Supernatural Girlz

The Mid-Atlantic UFO Flap: Abductions, Sightings & Paranormal Terror



Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Becky Andreasson when they interview author Gerard Medvec on the incredible UFO flap that took place in one year in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region. 1,729 UFO sightings were reported, which averaged out at 144 per month, 5 per day!  In his book, Mid-Atlantic UFOs Gerard reports 80 true encounters, alien abductions, a mass fleet sighting, advanced extraterrestrial technology and an unusual blue green mist that terrorized young men in the wilderness at a campsite.   Gerard Medvec is also the o-author of Ghosts of Delaware and UFOs Above PA and has published over 60 non-fiction articles and four short stories.