Supernatural Girlz

Time Travel and ETs: NEW Information - What the G-men Know That You Don't!



Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they speak with former Army Sergeant, Clifford Stone.  Stone spent 22 years in the US Army as a part of an extremely elite and secret group that was rapidly dispatched to crash sites in order to recover UFO or ET craft, bodies, and artifacts.  Stone states that the U.S. Government tried to suppress what he had actually seen one strange day in Pennsylvania, in 1969. "I was involved in situations where we actually did recoveries of crashed saucers. There were bodies that were involved with some of these crashes. Also some of these were alive," he said. "While we were doing this, we were telling the American public there was nothing to it. We were telling the world there was nothing to it," Mr Stone added.  Most startling is that according to Stone there are ETs that look very much like you and me, they walk among us and we don't even notice the difference.  Stone has catalogued 57 different species of alien life forms and is coming to Supernat