Supernatural Girlz

The Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo: Wisdom From a Very Special Elder



Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen as they speak with The Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo. Venerable Dhyani is the founder and Spiritual Director of Sunray, holder of the Ywahoo Lineage and Chief of the Green Mountain Ani Yunwiwa. Her training to carry the ancestral traditions began in early childhood, under the direction of her grandparents and elders. As repositories of the sacred knowledge of their people, they passed to Ven. Dhyani Ywahoo the spiritual duty and blessing to carry the traditions on which the work and teachings of Sunray are based. The elders foresaw Ven. Dhyani’s duty to be involved in the manifestation of world peace, and that this work would bring many people and nations again to see the clear light of right relationship. There have been twenty-seven Ywahoo’s entrusted to maintain the teachings, to ensure methods of stabilizing the mind in times of confusion. These teachings were passed to Ven. Dhyani Ywahoo from her grandfather, Eonah Fisher (Bear Fishing), who received