Supernatural Girlz

Discover the LIGHT Within From A Scientist with a Heart



A unique new author in the world of spirituality, joins hosts Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen to discuss The Gentle Way of the Heart: Discover the Light Within.  Anders Nilsson brings a scientist’s approach to the path to transforming one’s self and becoming more awakened in the present moment. Both a renowned physics and chemistry researcher at Stanford University and a spiritual teacher, Dr. Nilsson, lays out a practice of study, meditation and exercises that addresses our world's desperate need of harmony and human connection. The Silicon Valley-based professor has led spiritual workshops in Europe for many years and is endorsed by astronaut Edgar Mitchell and many other notables. Nilsson’s work on water was recently featured on the cover of the pre-eminent international science magazine, Nature and covered by Scientific American. He has also been featured on the Science Channel’s “Through the Wormhole”.  Tune in and find your inner light!