Supernatural Girlz

Spiritual Adventures, Near Death Experiences & the Brotherhood of Light



Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Patricia Kirkman as they interview author, Gene O'Neil about his book, An Upraised Chalice.  Do you want answers about the edge of life and death?  Karma?  The Light Brotherhood?  Then be sure to tune in to the Girlz as they speak with Gene about his own near death experiences, repaying karmic debt and the power of the Light Brotherhood.   “The years move forward and everyone is attending to their life’s priorities, focusing on how to be happy, make a living and raise a family. The years turn into decades and sooner or later, (hopefully later) sickness or accidents happen and all are again confronted with the big questions: Why? What’s next? What has this life that I’ve lived been about? As one begins to consider their own eventual departure: What have I been able to do to make things a little better? What have I passed along to make others’ lives more beautiful?”  From The Upraised Chalice Gen O'Neil is an aviation instructor, corporate pilot, marketing agency