Supernatural Girlz

Sacred Plant Initiations: Enter a World of Plant Healing & Power



Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Patricia Kirkman as they delve into the world of sacred plants with medical herbalist and shamanic practitioner Carole Guyett.  The Girlz find out how to commune with plants and their spirits through the traditional shamanic method of “plant dieting.”  Hear how common plants have powerful teachings and healing guidance to share with those who communicate with and honor them. The initiations, for both individuals and groups, work with the Wheel of the Year, honoring each plant’s sacred timing and connecting with one of the eight Celtic and Pre-Celtic Fire Festivals--the solstices, equinoxes, and the holy days of Beltane, Lughnasadh, Samhain, and Imbolc.  Carole Guyett is a medical herbalist, shamanic practitioner, and Celtic priestess trained by a traditional wise woman in the Western mysteries. She has worked with healing plants for over 30 years. In 2010 she completed a 10-year apprenticeship with Métis Medicine Woman Arwyn DreamWalker, carrier of the Beauty Way