Supernatural Girlz

Psychic Children~Helping Parents Guide Children with Psychic Abilities



Psychic children face special challenges growing up.  How do we, as parents find the best way to guide them?  Psychic gifts can be challenging and parents need all the help they can get from experts like Reverend Lowell Smith. Lowell is a gifted intuitive who helps others gain valuable insights into life's purpose, career options, talents, relationships, health & medical conditions, finances, personal issues, and belief systems. With his ability to read auras and energy patterns, Lowell's special interest is in helping today's children understand their unique strengths and powers as Indigo and Crystal children. Lowell's purpose is to educate and train these Indigos, and those who live and work with them in the importance of understanding metaphysical laws.                              ***Special co-host, psychic medium George Lugo will be joining me on the show tonight***