Supernatural Girlz

Physical Mediumship - A Rare Form of Mediumship with Guest Kai Muegge



Here in the United States we are very familiar with psychic mediums, but it is a rare thing indeed to come across a physical medium.  Physical mediums are located mostly in Europe and are able to manifest physical objects from other dimensions during seances, and sometimes manifest a full body apparition of someone who has passed to the other side.  Tonight we speak with one of the world's best physical mediums - Kai Muegge from Germany.  Kai is one of the founding members of the ASSMPI and is also a research medium dedicated to Physical Mediumship and applied Science. Kai is a certified physical medium who demonstrates physical phenomena and has been one of the most scientifically tested physical mediums to date. The ASSMPI is a non-profit organization set up to help increase standards and professionalism in all forms of mediumship and supported research.  A very unusual show!  Don't miss this one.  We're not in Kansas anymore.