Supernatural Girlz

Numerology ~ its past, its present - FREE READINGS - with Patricia Kirkman



                                      FREE READINGS - CALL IN DURING THE LIVE SHOW - 563-999-3539 Numerology s a powerful form of prediction and analysis which gives you the information you need to have a better life.  What lessons did you come in to learn?  Can you change your destiny by changing your name?  And what about the name of your business?  Will it be successful?  Numerologist Patricia Kirkman is offering FREE READINGS tonight and will answer all your questions to help you have a better life by the numbers! Patricia Kirkman is an intuitive reader who uses her unique talents to help clients explore various metaphysical mediums. Over a thirty year career she has earned a reputation for being “the best of the best”. A talented numerologist, Patricia is nationally recognized as a gifted and insightful reader who is respected for her honesty, integrity, and discretion.