Supernatural Girlz

Captain Randy Cramer Returns~ Update on Virus, Disclosure & Missing 411 Cases



Captain Randy Cramer, our most popular guest - an officer who has permission to address the public on hidden information.  Captain Cramer was the first Supernatural Girlz guest who warned us about the virus before it hit!  Thanks to Captain Cramer we had the inside story and were able to get prepared.   Captain Cramer has been given authorization to address the public on behalf of a covert "special section" of the United States Marine Corps. He is known for his 17-year tour of duty off-world on Mars, and his years serving aboard a secret space fleet. For those who may question his extraordinary personal history, Cramer points out that it is a felony to impersonate an officer and to lie about military duty stations. The USMC has not disputed his story nor have they stopped him from speaking out publically about it as he was appointed to this task by a brigadier general within the clandestine program. Tune in tonight to hear the latest on the Virus and what may be happening to the people who have disappeared