Supernatural Girlz

The Conjuring House - The True Story with Andrea Perron



Want the REAL story the movie that THE CONJURING was based on? Did you know that so many frightening paranormal events happened onset that the actors refused to go out and promote the movie? Tune in for an action packed show with original family member of the Conjuring House, Andrea Perron; Producer for THE HOUSE, LIVE STREAM, Rene Barnett;  Tarot Reader Corbie Mitleid;  & Numerologist Patricia Kirkman . We will take an in-depth look at the true story and events.    See what Corbie's Tarot cards have to say; and hear what Patricia Kirkman's numerology reveals about the most haunted house in America. I will be broadcasting on the LIVE STREAM event on Monday, May 11th, 5:00 pm - 6:00 PM Eastern Join us and watch what happens!