Supernatural Girlz

Healing With Light Codes: Guest/Expert Jerry Sargeant!



Jerry Sargeant, known as ‘The Facilitator’, is the founder of Star Magic Healing, a powerful motivational speaker, an international bestselling author and is world renowned for healing people, creating rapid shifts within them and transforming their lives on the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual planes. Jerry’s ability to heal has been likened to some of the most powerful healers in history, having facilitated the healing of broken bones, removing tumors, cysts, dissolving fibromyalgia, healing hearts as well as healing broken relationships and super-charging businesses to achieve massive success. Through all his trials and tribulations Jerry knows the key to transformation is unconditional love and this message he delivers in his own unique, down to earth style that everyone can grasp, internalise and use to create phenomenal transformation in their own lives. Jerry travels the globe, speaking, healing and training through his work, with a vision to elevate global consciousness in a phenomenal wa