Supernatural Girlz

Mysteries of the Moon: Secrets, Anomalies & ETs with Constance Victoria Briggs



Our Moon has many mysteries.  There are stories of ETs both above and underground.  What did a government remote viewer find there? And why haven't we been back?  Our guest, Constance Victoria Briggs has more mysteries to unveil and even some answers! Constance Victoria Briggs is a metaphysical, spiritual and cosmic researcher and writer. She has authored The Encyclopedia of Angels, Encyclopedia of God, and The Encyclopedia of the Unseen World, as well as the new Encyclopedia of Moon Mysteries. Briggs has also been a guest speaker on several radio shows discussing the paranormal, extraterrestrials, life-after-death, near-death-experiences, as well as other related topics. It is Briggs’s goal to investigate the mysteries of the universe and how they connect to humanity.