Supernatural Girlz

Know Your Blood, Know Your Health! with Kristin Grayce McGary, L.Ac., M.Ac.



Tune in to hear our SuperNatural Health segment with Author/Expert Kristin Grace McGary, L.Ac., M.Ac., CFMP, CST-T, CLP Does your bloodwork come back "normal" even though you have symptoms of fatigue, inflammation, allergies and poor digestion? You could be a tenth of a point away from a disease pattern, but the test won't sound the alarm until you are in the midst of the disease itself. Kristin shares the benefits of a functional blood chemistry analysis, which looks at far more markers and interprets your results against healthy ranges.  Hear how health issues have specific patterns in blood chemistry and how to bring your blood chemistry back into balance! Kristin is an internationally recognized authority in autoimmunity, functional blood chemistry analysis, thyroid and gut health. She divides her time between Colorado and Costa Rica.