Supernatural Girlz

Top Secret: Wright Patterson Air Force Base with guest expert Raymond Szymanski



A four-decade U.S. Government senior scientist turned paranormal researcher and author, Raymond Szymanski takes us inside the Top Secret Holy Grail of Ufology, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, to look at alien visitation possibilities that have never been previously explored. His interest in Extraterrestrials and their connection to Wright-Patt was ignited during his first week of government employment by a mentor who eventually earned promotion to the exclusive ranks of the Senior Executive Service. This intriguing back-story and many revelatory adventures are presented as Raymond investigates his way through the UFO/ET phenomena, transforming from a curious, skeptical researcher to a firm believer in the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis. Szymanski is the award winning author /researcher of Alien Shades of Greys & Swamp Gas My A**