Supernatural Girlz

Clearview "Skinwalker" Ranch: with Colorado's Mufon Director Katie Griboski



What is going on at Clearview "Skinwalker" Ranch? Tune in to find out. Katie Griboski is Colorado MUFON’s State Director and serves on the Colorado Board of Directors. She is a STAR (Strike Team Area Research) Investigator for MUFON. She is team lead/administrator for MUFON’s MARRS Team (MUFON’s Archive Research, Reporting System). She also conducts her own independent investigations and research outside of MUFON and likes to present her findings. Katie spends a lot of her time traveling to archives for research and to conduct interviews. She is the author of; Letters of Love & Light - Four Decades of UFO Encounters, Experiences & Sightings Shared with Ufologist R. Leo Sprinkle Ph.D. She is currently writing her second book: High Strangeness on a Colorado Ranch; The Colorado “Skinwalker” Ranch – Craft, Cattle, Copters, Cryptids and Cover-Ups.