Fare Of The Free Child

EP 161: Updates + A Replay



SOME OF THE TOPICS DISCUSSED:-  What do we mean by “raising free people”?-  What does it mean when disabilities intersect with Self-Directed Education? -  How do students with disabilities thrive in this educational philosophy? -  In what ways are needs unmet?  -  How do we define disability in a society where ability is the default? And, who gets to define this term? - How might we be unconsciously perpetuating ableism in our SDE communities? How do we best respond? - How can we be the best facilitators, parents, supporters and practitioners of Self-Directed Education for young people with all kinds of bodies and minds? Calling it “raising free people work, or rfp work” is our way of acknowledging that this IS work, and that there ARE tools and people and books and events and public groups and private groups to support this type of conscious parenting, respectful parenting, liberation-mindedness that is inclusive of the ones who tend to bear the weight of our unhealed wounds, our not-yet-adults. #BIPOCinSDES