Astronomy Cast

Ep. 723: Exoplanets by the Numbers



Astronomy Cast Ep. 723: Exoplanets by the Numbers By Fraser Cain & Dr. Pamela Gay Streamed live on Jun 10, 2024. Astronomers have discovered thousands of exoplanets, revealing entirely new types of worlds that we just don’t have in the solar system. It’s enough to start getting a rough sense of what kinds of planets are out there. What’s the big picture?   This Episode is made possible thanks to our Patrons on Patreon. Join at the Galaxy Group level or higher to be listed in our YouTube videos. This video was made possible by the following Patreon members: - BogieNet - Stephen Veit - Jeanette Wink - Siggi Kemmler - Andrew Poelstra - Brian Cagle - David Truog - Ed - David - Gerhard Schwarzer THANK YOU! - Fraser and Dr. Pamela