Organic Gardener Podcast

Bonus Holiday Health Episode #13 With Andrea Catherine | Certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor



Andrea Catherine is here from the Fearless Self-Love Podcast. What’s cooking? I’m gonna talk about 3 things The seasons and what’s going on for me and my body has this desire to cleanse, but it’s just not the right time because it’s holidays!  It’s frustrating every time I eat sugar my body’s like no and alcohol and I do it because it’s the holiday season! talking about that and how to manage that lots of squash everything I can with acorn squash very simple slice the acorn squash in half  bake it to make it super soft while that’s roasting sauce a bunch of root vegetables beets onion chickpeas that I marinated in a soy sauce made this filling basically added bacon and spinach to it the second time I added raisins as well It was just a really hearty meal served in the squash half really creative way to at the end of the CSA what do I do with it. I wanted to share that what was the 3rd thing using a lot of cookbooks Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Corre