Organic Gardener Podcast

255. Growing Berries and Fruit Trees in the Pacific Northwest: How to Grow Abundant, Organic Fruit in Your Backyard | Tara Austen Weaver | Seattle, WA Part I



Today, I’m excited to introduce my guest from Tara Austen Weaver who’s written a book about growing   Growing Berries and Fruit Trees in the Pacific Northwest: How to Grow Abundant, Organic Fruit in Your Backyard I know that you are going to love this because it’s got lots of great tips for anyone living anywhere not just in the Northwest and I’m super excited because last summer I was visiting Nola’s yard last summer because her blueberries were amazing and I am bound and determined to grow some this year! And there’s just so much to learn so welcome to the show! To read the full shownotes click here. Tell us a little about yourself. My mom had a giant organic garden! It wasn’t till I moved to Seattle about 10 years ago that everything fell into place, Seattle has such a giant gardening community!  Everyone here it seems even if they just grow beautiful yards edible ones and everyone is out working and tending vegetables I got bitten by the gardening bug quickly use