Organic Gardener Podcast

262. An Edible Education | Whole Kids Foundation | Nona Evans



I’m just thrilled to be back behind the mic it’s January 7th. I have a great guest that was recommended by Lem Tingley from Growing Spaces in episode 256 and here from the Whole Kids Foundation is Nona Evans! Whole Kids Foundation Facebook Page It’s always so much fun to see how seeds that you sprinkled about germinate. It’s so fun to know how we connected! Thank you so much! I reached out to you and you said you checked out the podcast and thought it’d be a perfect fit. Tell listeners about the Whole Kids Foundation  because I had never heard of it! We are on the order of things, a pretty moderate size non-profit organization. We are Whole Kids Foundation  and our mission to improve kids nutrition because we know when kids are well nourished they learn better have the opportunity to reach their full potential. we found 3 ways we are capable of reaching children. 1. salad bar equipment for schools Because the moment you put a salad bar in kids have the power of choice and kid