Organic Gardener Podcast

Creating a Greener Planet | The 2019 Organic Gardener Podcast Challenge



I feel like I haven’t explained exactly what is the big difference between the Free Garden Course itself and the 2019 Challenge that is worth $37.00? So the Challenge will officially start Monday, I want to give Progressive Radio Network listeners one more time to explain exactly what the challenge is enough. And really there is not that much! EXCEPT when you complete the 2019 OGP Challenge One if you live in the United States and you sign up for the challenge and you are one of the first 25 people, you will get a hard copy of the book and a hard copy of the garden journal delivered to you! When Mike reads it I know it’s good! And it keeps the checklists all together.     Remember you can get the  2018 Garden Journal and Data Keeper to record your garden goals in our You can  download the first 30 days here   while you’re waiting for it to come in the mail.  Free Garden Course Workbook