Organic Gardener Podcast

270. Streatery Farm-To-Table Food Truck | Sarah Manuel | Havre, MT



I have lots of guests that have been booking and lots of great interviews coming up! A Montana rockstar running the food truck here in Montana!  Tell us a little about yourself. I did grow up on a farm and a ranch A little bit about my past I was raised in a world of agriculture I grew up on a farm and ar ranch that was not always organic, my dad converted to organic in 2007 I was 10 years old it was interesting as a young child to see that process of old ways and shifting to new ways of organic and how much better everything becomes with that process with that conversion we moved to a lot of diversified crops Before we had converted to organic we were just doing the same old thing everyone else does. Switched to doing a lot of wheat and same clover alfalfa growing ancient grains kamut farro lentils chickpeas while we were learning and growing all those I was also at a pretty young age learning to bake native to Montana at that time I think that was where I got a pretty strong base with working with