Organic Gardener Podcast

275. Flower and Vegetable CSA | Eastward Gardens | Larry and Michelle Lesher | Hardinsburg, Indiana



Full show notes coming soon! How do we connect with you? eastwardgardens on Instagram We were city kids, he was a professional skateboarder and neither of us had a background in farming. There’s just the two of us but we do it for a living. I think I found you on Floret. How big is your place? I’m going into my 3rd season growing flowers. We’re going on selling vegetables etc on 3 years. I was a nurse with the dream I could leave my job. took us a while try to make it quick We moved from Seattle to louisville so I could go to grad school that’s when Larry started interning on a farm. He’s been farming ever since then. I just joined full time in  June I quit my job. That’s when I bumped up the flower production.  I can do more with it a lot of flowers we grow on 2 acres our farm is 16 1/2 acres We crop rotate we only have, theres about 6 acres of workable we rotate it and do about 2 at a time. We sell Vegetables fruit culinary herbs micro greens   We sell a lot of micro gre