Organic Gardener Podcast

Succession Lettuce Interview 287 with Ray Tyler | Rose Creek Farms | Tennessee



Thursday, March 28, 2019! It is a pleasure to be here! Thanks for dealing with my tech problems gla we were able to connect! Back in the spring of 2009, my wife asked me to plant a small garden so she could can some salsa for the winter. Laid off- started farming with a tractor on 2 acres (terribly!), got into chickens, laying hens, pigs, and even a few cows. And after a radical diet and lifestyle change that followed our Daughter health crisis we started to consume large amounts of Vegetables, a lot less meat and in the fall of 2015 we made a leap of faith to sell our meat business, stop using a tractor, and farm using only one acre. Our farming friends thought we were insane, but we were pretty certain that focusing on just produce would allow us to master the lettuce crop in 2016. We had lettuce for sale every week that season! We were so thrilled to discover that we tripled our income on half the amount of land that year! Excited and inspired, we knew we were heading in the right direction. By focusin