Organic Gardener Podcast

Victory Gardens 2.0 interview #315 with Diane Blazek |National Garden Bureau


Synopsis Garden BureauIt’s hard to keep up. Our role isn’t answers its information and inspiration so that’s what we’re trying to do!Well, all sorts of people have been asking me about victory gardens so I am so excited I saw your email and here you are already! It's Friday, March 27, 2020 and we are right in the middle of the Great CoronaVirus Pandemic and here is: Diane Blazek from the National Garden BureauI am very happy to be here, thank you for asking, it's kind of a funny story and don’t we need funny stories at this time? I have been with the organization for 10 years and the organization celebrating our 100th anniversary. So as a group, as we were planning for the anniversary we had no idea that this pandemic was going to happen. Last week when we could still go to the office, we were sitting around the office, when we could still go and I looked up on my shelf and I looked up and saw the manual and thought why not roll out what was produce