Organic Gardener Podcast

Finding What Works For You | Getting Baked | Garden Author and Medicinal Herb Expert | Barb Webb | Shepherdsville, KY | Part 2



 Part 2 of our conversationGETTING BAKED: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HEMP, CBD, AND MEDICINAL GARDENINGGetting Laid: Everything You Need to Know About Raising Chickens, Gardening and Preserving — with Over 100 Recipes!BARB'S WEBSITE RURALMOM.COMMy website is It's And on there you'll find me talking about a number of different things. I work in many arenas, but for the most part it's it's about gardening things we can do to be more sustainable, you know, gift ideas. A lot of things, my goal with that website was to enhance people's lives in terms of finding quality things and quality activities that could help people who are living out in the country and suburban areas.Feel free to contact Barb on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, wherever you hang out. My email address is on there. Feel free to email me.Read the computer generated transcript here. Find below some of the resources Barb recommends:BARB: But I happen to love that. I do love going down the rabbit hole of resear