Organic Gardener Podcast

Soil Sista Saturday Episode #1 | Co-host Golden Listener Aileen Catrone |



Golden Listener of 2020 Aileen Catrone co-hosts with me as we share what's growing, our biggest challenge of the week and what we're cooking on this new bonus episode.My new co-host and GFF (garden friend forever) Aileen Catrone and I started a new bonus post for the summer called Soil Sista Saturday (to be posted on Friendship Fridays). Anyway. I talked about this recipe I made from the Drew Barrymore Show.I love this arugula bed outside my kitchen door. And you can't even hardly tell what I harvested.I also talked about this delicious salad I made from a blog post I saw. I'm not usually a fan of cooking shows but this one caught my eye. This recipe for salad dressing and yummy salad was too good to stop watching. I would never think of putting basil and spinach in my dressing like that. Also where do I get a knife like that? I love this chef too what a great way she explains how to do everything! it was a great way to use some of my fresh basil growing in my