

Stuck Psalm 40:1-3 Are you familiar with the word “mire”? A mire is an area of wet, spongy earth like a bog or marsh.  Have you ever been on a piece of land after the snow has melted or after a tremendous downpour of rain that leaves the land extremely muddy? Perhaps you’ve been on a trail where the mud cakes on the bottom of your shoes with every step and becomes heavy. Our lives can sometimes feel like this where we get stuck or each step forward becomes heavier and heavier.  What did David do when he was stuck in the miry clay? How did he climb out of his slimy pit of despair? He waited upon the Lord. Waiting is difficult for us because we’re impatient. So we try with all of our own effort to climb out of the mud. Like with David, God will hear our cries for help and will pull us out of that deep despair. We go from stuck to steady as He places us on firm, solid footing. This is God’s grace in our lives.  God is able to birth new words in our lives to share with the world. These words can be a “volume of p